Startups Blog

Infobip's one-stop shop for startups


  • Apphive: Improved customer engagement

    “Being a part of the Infobip Startup Tribe and receiving product credits really impacted our business development in a positive way. We were able to unify communication channels with our customers, resulting in improved customer engagement and platform usage.”

    .. LATAMMember SpotlightSaaS

  • B2B Marketing Forum

    We have joined forces with Google for Startups and hosted our first B2B Marketing Forum in Croatia, dedicated to startups of the CEE region.

    .. B2B Marketing ForumEventGoogle

  • Ephanti: Accelerated product development

    “The product credits we were given as a member of the Infobip Startup Tribe team helped us try different variants and showcase to our customers which in turn helped our customers to believe in the technology and to believe in us. Infobip Startup Tribe program, the credits we got and the whole conversational API helped us elevate our solutions in a much faster time scale than we anticipated.”

    .. Member SpotlightNAMSaaS

  • VC Talks: SMOK Ventures

    “There is lack of capital and abundance of talent, and it is maturing as an ecosystem: unicorns such as Infobip prove we can build global companies out of CEE.”

    .. CEEEuropeVC Talks

  • Chari: Improved user security

    “There are many benefits to joining the Infobip Startup Tribe, from product credits that help us finance our activity, to boosting our visibility through the events Infobip hosts. I also feel that there is a real support coming from the program which is helpful when you are in startup mode and have a limited number of people.”

    .. EcommerceMember SpotlightMENA

  • Infobip Sling Tokyo: Startup meetup

    After the successful kick-off in London, we continued our series of startup meetups with an event in Tokyo.

    .. EventInfobip SlingStartup Meetup

  • Infobip Sling London: Startup Meetup

    Infobip Startup Tribe kicked off their series of startup meetups with an event in the UK capital, aptly named Infobip Sling London.

    .. EventInfobip SlingStartup Meetup

  • 1Pharmacy: Enhanced user experience

    “We opted for Infobip Startup Tribe because of the free product credits they offer and managed to test and successfully implement Infobip WhatsApp for business. It turned out to be the best move: their API performance is one of the best available, our uptime now is close to 100% and we are not facing any latency/jitter issues.”

    .. EcommerceIndiaMember Spotlight

  • HAAT Delivery: Spread field of operation

    “Infobip Startup Tribe is a very helpful program for any startup that wants to spread its field of operation without breaking the budget. The free product credits we received made it super easy for us to focus on product development, rather than having to deal with the costs and negotiating prices.”

    .. Food DeliveryMember SpotlightMENA

  • Merry Crisis: Fundraising in times of trouble

    With the new, financially turbulent year ahead of us, recession fundraising is the topic to delve into. We asked three prominent investors what to expect in the upcoming period, and explored what history can teach us.

    .. Funding