Infobip Sling Tokyo took place on March 13th 2023, in IDEO Tokyo Office. With 40+ different startup stakeholders showing up for the event, Infobip Startup Tribe made a significant step forward in connecting with the Japan startup community.


This meetup made an interactive showcase of the Japanese ecosystem in a discussion about the ecosystem itself, the tools startups can use, as well as access to capital they have (or don’t have). Japan, being a rather unique particular market brings its own set of challenges but also its own set of opportunities. In the very beginning startups have to juggle a lot of flaming torches – how to start, how to find poduct-market fit, who and how to hire in the very beginning, how to find and pitch to investors, and overall how to survive the rollercoaster that a startup undoubtedly is.


Davide Agnelli: Presentation on D4V

Nikola Pavešić: Presentation on Infobip

Panel: Japanese startup ecosystem + Q&A

Networking & Drinks & Food


Davide Agnelli – Founder, D4V

Nikola Pavešić – Director of Startups, Infobip

Ryo Takahashi – Design Director, D4V

Takatsugu Kobayashi – Founder, datag Inc.



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