What is P2A (Person-2-Application) Messaging?

P2A (Person-To-Application) SMS messaging is the process of sending messages from a mobile user to an application.

The process requires the end-user to start interacting with a business or company by sending an SMS to an application.

What are examples of P2A SMS?

P2A messaging is commonly used for various TV voting campaigns, competitions, SMS lottery campaigns, subscriptions, etc. With person-to-application SMS messaging, individuals can easily interact with brands, companies, and service providers, where text messages provide a ubiquitous, quick, and trusted route for client-business communications.

What is the difference between P2A and A2P messages?

PTA (Person-to-Application) is referred to as MO (mobile originated) and is the inverse of A2P (Application-To-Person) messaging, where messages are sent from a business application to a mobile user, usually via an automated process, for marketing or service reasons.

Jan 7th, 2022
1 min read

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