Turn Black Friday sales into customer loyalty

Discover how to retain holiday shoppers with elevated customer experiences.

Build a Black Friday strategy to improve long-term results

Retailers know well that preparing for Black Friday takes up loads of time and resources. Brands look to attract new customers and boost sales during the busy shopping season with outreach and marketing strategies and see outstanding results that continuously improve year after year.

But what are some ways retailers can retain holiday shoppers past Black Friday and drive sales throughout the entire year?

Black Friday spending online in the UK:


2019 UK spending on Black Friday


2020 UK spending on Black Friday

Source: PWC

Customer experience fundamentals to boost loyalty

A customer’s experience with your brand plays a major role in their loyalty and your ability to retain them. This eBook will explore five fundamental points to improve customer experiences during and post Black Friday:

Immediate help

Unique experiences

Great service

Ease of use


Download our eBook to learn how to turn Black Friday shoppers into loyal customers, and drive better results well past the holiday season:

  • Why retailers are struggling with customer retention around Black Friday 
  • The one vital approach that can drive greater customer loyalty 
  • Useful omnichannel tactics to inspire repeat business – before, during and after Black Friday 
  • How technology being overlooked by retailers can make a huge difference