What is WAP Push?

WAP Push is a mechanism for directing an SMS recipient to a website or landing page without them having to enter a URL in the phone’s browser.

WAP push works by including a link to the WAP address in the header of the SMS. When a user receives the message containing the link (assuming they are on a device that supports WAP – which almost all modern phones do) the phone will prompt them to open the content, at which time they will be directed to the link address and the content will display.

What does WAP stand for?

The acronym WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol

What is WAP Push used for?

Typically, WAP Push is used to direct users to marketing content, usually to a landing page displaying a specific offer or promotion, but can also be used for service messages for example displaying Terms and Conditions.

Apr 13th, 2022
1 min read