Workforce Optimization

Workforce optimization is an essential strategy element for contact centers.

Workforce Optimization (WFO) is a business strategy that combines contact center technologies for customer experience into one platform to increase agent performance and improve workforce management.

A WFO strategy usually involves quality management, automating processes, compliance on legislation, data visibility, and solving business problems related to agents. Contact Centers usually use WFO to make customer communications convenient over their preferred channels.

It allows decision makers to manage their staff performance and understand how they impact operational efficiency and customer experience.

When it comes to Contact Centers, WFO is extremely vital as it provides a 360-degree view of every customer-agent conversation, thereby providing agents with valuable feedback and empowering them with knowledge and skills to improve their customer experience.

WFO helps Contact Centers to improve performance in:

To enable this, most Contact Centers have an integrated WFO software, which helps track key performance indicators (KPIs) and bring about data-driven changes. In a nutshell, it helps Contact Centers use the right metrics as a performance indicator and optimize their performance.

Some of the integrated tools used to track WFO are:

  • Quality management 
  • Workforce management 
  • Call recording and playback of conversations 
  • Customer feedback 
  • Agent analytics 
  • Performance management through dashboards, reports, alerts, updates and KPIs  Quality management 
  • Workforce management 
  • Call recording and playback of conversations 
  • Customer feedback 
May 5th, 2020
2 min read